Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I eat cereal: A sentence triumph!

  It was a very exciting this morning Cullen said a complete sentance this morning when asked "What would you like for breakfast." he responded "I eat cereal." It came out " I EET se-al" but I was able to understand what he meant.  I am hoping with the positive response se he received when he said this that he continues to use it.
   That is the thing with Cullen and his speech he may say something once and then never say it again. I did not know he even knew his brothers names until last year when we were at an awards ceremony for them and he saw them in the crowd and started screaming "Colt!" "Coewy!" Yet he has never said it again.
   Cullen also uses one word to meaning several things, or he says two words so similar it his hard to discern what he is asking for. When he says "shoes" and "juice" they sound very similar, "shuey" and "juey". So he may be asking for his shoes meaning he would either like to go play outside or go to the store, but I hear juice thinking he is thirsty and get him a drink and he ends up very frustrated.
   In the picture he is riding his " truck" it took me and my husband forever to figure out what he wanted.  We would be outside and he would yell "truck!"and I thought he wanted to go in the car. So I told him no we are not going anywhere today, and he shook his head and screamed " truck!" So we got him out his big tonka dump truck but he kept handing back go me and shaking his head. So I went in the storage unit to retrieve some of his other trucks and he followed me in and hopped on the ATV he got for Christmas and clapped his hands and squaled happily "truck!"
     The hand clapping is a new development, he claps when he is either very happy or very frustrated. The first time he did he he was very excited that we were at the park so he started clapping his hands. Then the next time he did he he kept handing me a bowl and saying bowl! But when I but cereal in the bowl he clapped his hands and cried and dumped the bowl out. Then when I sat back down he climbed into the cupboard got the bowl back out and handed if back to me clapping his hands and crying. I never did figure out that day what it was that he wanted or expected of me. So we take it day by day and celebrate when he makes communication strides and do our best to understand him the rest of the time.

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